Bringing you the funny or the disgusting since..

…well since forever. I ran across this little nugget on youtube today. Shoenice22 as he is called on Youtube eats and or drinks pretty much anything in record time.

“Big deal a couple of hot dogs” you say? Well lets see him get down with the Kielbasa and remember ladies don’t use the teeth.

The best part about this fella is his Chris Farley-esq demeanor and his commentary. By the way, he is also a sponsored Youtube member. ie. He’s getting paid nicely for his gimmick based on viewership. Check some of his videos. Shoenice22 is pulling down 30,000-80,000 views on some of his videos. Just goes to show there is something for everyone on the net and people are finding more ways to get paid for taking part.

Anyway if you want to see some funny videos check Shoenice22 on Youtube. He eats pretty much anything. While some is kinda gross if you listen to his commentary he’s hilarious.

Extreme eating for the week….CHECK!