It’s Beginning to Look A lot Like..

Elf…something. Just not Christmas. Where the hell has the time gone? It was Thanksgiving just yesterday and tomorrow is Christmas. Well not literally but you know what I mean. Every time I turn around it seems like another month has escaped me.

Thanksgiving this year was spent with friends and family. A special and admittedly belated thanks goes out to the Busby’s for allowing me to crash their thanksgiving meal after work. Amy outdid herself with stuffed mushrooms and artichoke while Allen deep fried a bird. A small group of us got together to share a meal. Its these times, I believe, where you can sit down with friends and family and eat together where one really appreciates what one has in life. It doesn’t take much to be happy, but when shared with those in your life it certainly rejuvenates one soul.







That was my traditional Thanksgiving this year. Many thanks Amy and Allen. Oh and Debbie. That cranberry jello walnuts stuff was pretty damn good.

Ok that catches me up for November. Lets get to work on December. Pretty much all that comes to my mind so far in December is a simple, “WTF”

Of course Mr. Obama hauls ass to Nelson Mandela’s memorial service. Expected no biggie right? Sure. No Problem. Except one little thing. Well two little things actually. Barry pisses off the wookie Michelle Obama when he grabs a selfie with the hot blond white girl ambassador or prime minister of some nordic country sitting next to him. Second was the douche bag hearing impaired interpreter that really didn’t know the first goddamn thing in sign language. 

Yes its true. During Nelson Mandela’s memorial service the gentleman who was a foot away from the podium translating famous world leaders (including Obama’s) speeches into sign language for the hearing impaired was in fact doing nothing more then waving runners home on infield triples. I am not kidding. You can’t make this shit up, he didn’t “sign” the first word in accepted sign language.

Ok thats a little weird right? Its gets better. A day or so later when the news spreads that this poor bastard doesn’t know shit, he comes out that “I am schizophrenic and was having a hallucination” to explain his rather odd behavior while attempting to translate the speeches. Finally some truth. The guy is actually schizophrenic. Yep nuttier then squirrel shit. In fact has a criminal record a mile long. Charged with rape, murder and a half a dozen other violent crimes.

I have been thinking how crazy is this poor bastard and the situation he gotten himself into? What possibly could be said or done to take the spot light off this guy and be even more ridiculous then this buffoon on a national stage next to world leaders essentially playing retarded patty cakes?

Well you guessed it. Our secret service puts our fucking President within two feet of this guy! Don’t get me wrong. Mr. Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like Sir Isaac Fucking Newton. However I do not want to see our President next to some African nut job on the worlds stage attacked and hacked to pieces with a machete. Where the fuck was the secret service on this one? Oh I know. Probably with the NSA watching all the fucking porn I am surfing. Go USA. America #1!!

pissedAnd when you think Mr Obama can’t plunge us into anymore of a bizarro world, I believe he stroked off Raul Castro somewhere exit stage left. To think all Michelle Obama the wookie cared about was when she was overheard saying “dis nigga best stay away from those honkey bitches with his selfie picture taking ass”.

Changing gears a bit.

Lately in the news I have been hearing a lot about this musical act or this artist canceling shows at Sea World.

I guess Sea World in Orlando from time to time has musical concerts at the theme park. I don’t associate Sea World with national musical acts but I guess its a thing now. Hey all the power to them I guess. Its a free world after all.

Anyway as it turns out these musical acts and artists are canceling shows at Sea World because of a recent documentary concerning Sea World and their Orca whales. The name of the movie is titled “BlackFish”. I found it on Netflix this weekend and watched it. Its also on Apple TV and probably most video on demand pay per views with most regional cable tv providers.

I would suggest anyone to watch this movie. Like most documentary movies you have to take it all with a grain of salt and understand the writers, directors, producers have a certain agenda. You have to watch with an open mind, separate fact from opinion and conclude your own position.

All that being said, again I say watch the movie. It may open your eyes to something I can safely assume most of us have ignored or blindly accepted.

Most of you know I live in Florida. Most of you live here too. For those of you who live out of state, or in another country, Sea World is in my back yard. You know it as a Disney like attraction in Orlando. It is. Its a company out to make money. They do. I have grown up around the ocean. I kill and eat the animals I have harvested from the ocean. Generally speaking I think I have been a good steward of the environment. Never take what I can’t eat on the sea or land. Never needlessly be cruel to animals domestic or wild.

I have been to Sea World more then a half dozen times in my life. I know the Sea World company line. “We are here to show, teach, learn about the animals of the oceans”. You hear and see it on the news and TV. Sea World is no different then a zoo, whats the big deal? Right?

What Sea World knows and does to the Orcas (killer whales) is appalling and disgraceful. I can remember going to Sea World as a small child. Shamu the killer whale was the main attraction at the time. The original Shamu is long gone. Now its a whale named Tilikum.

What Sea World doesn’t tell you or the trainers at the time is pretty astonishing. You know trainers that used to swim and run the shows with the whales at Sea World whom by the way are NOT marine biologists with advanced degrees, nope just good swimmers ,is that Tilikum has killed as of today three people while in captivity.

You see every other marine biologist or zoological expert that knows anything about Orcas in the wild will tell you that Orcas do not thrive in captivity. Since Sea World has been banned in pretty much all the states in this nation where Orcas exist and in other nations from taking Orcas from the wild they have been using Tilikum as the head of their in house breeding program. Yep they stud him out and he has sired more then twenty killer whales in captivity with about eleven surviving today.

So whats the problem Brock? They are making their own killer whales now and not taking anything from the wild. That would be ok but heres the only problem. Tilikum as been in captivity for so long and is so emotionally screwed up what you see as a killer whale is not at all what a killer whale in the wild is actually like.

Look at it like this. Imagine if you will that from today forward the only way to extend the human race was to be artificially inseminated with cum from Charles Manson.

Tilikum killed his first trainer twenty something years ago while in a Sea Land park in British Columbia. From there Sea World brought him to Orlando where he killed a civilian (whom sea world claimed stayed in park over night and snuck in to the tank to swim with Tilikum) around the year 2000. Then again around 2009 you probably remember the news when Tilikum grabbed the female trainer and killed her in front of a crowd.

TilikumHere’s  some more facts Sea World will not tell you. Orcas in the wild live about as long as humans. 70+ years. In captivity about 35 years.  Notice the dorsal fin curled over in the picture of Tilikum? No killer whale ever observed in the wild has shown this dorsal fin curled over. Only in captivity does this happen to killer whales and its a sign of mental distress. Killer whales in captivity regularly bite and attack each other. Killer whales in the wild seldom do this. Killer whales in the wild mate and the offspring stay with the mother forever and live in autonomous pods for life with their own specific language. There is no recorded event in history of a killer whale in the wild killing a human. Only whales in captivity have ever killed a human.

What is this rant about Brock? I don’t even know that this is a rant. Merely a discussion and factual talk about what Sea World and other animal entertainment like organizations claim they are providing for scientific research and the reality of the almighty dollar.

I am a capitalist. Make money if you can make money. Even use a captured animal from the wild if you want to. Go for it. Wrestle alligators. Charm deadly snakes. Stick your head in a lions open mouth. Knock yourself out. Where I have a problem is the world of bullshit you use to misinform people with to gain acceptance and justify the inhumane and shitty treatment of the animals to the extent of deadly attacks on the staff and general danger to the public.

If I choose to go to a circus in town and see the animals and a pissed off elephant goes crazy and tramples me and my kid to death then so be it. I know the circus is bullshit and mistreat animals and its my choice. Im informed and I accepted the risk. If i am attacked and killed I should get nothing. If I choose not to go to the circus and give them my money then the circus gets nothing. All is fair and everyone is equally informed. See how that works? Pretty simple right?

Sea World will have you believe what they are doing with the Orcas, Dolphins, Manatees, Sea Lions, Polar Bears, and every other damn thing they have swimming in a tank is for science, and the betterment of human kind from the understanding of our environment. That is clearly a load of fat bullshit. Its about making money through the exploitation of wild animals. I think they have a right to do it and you have a right to choose to spend your money going to see it. However, in your freedom, do it with honesty and be informed. Sure you will see beautiful and intelligent animals. Just know that it is nothing at all what those animals do or represent in the wild.

Alright I have rambled along enough. Lets try and wrap this bitch up and make some sense. Easy. Everything in life is like this. This isn’t just Sea World and Killer whales. Its also Walmart and cheap shoes. Its Obamacare. Its religion. Its taxes. Don’t blindly accept the picture on the outside and what you can easily see. Don’t let anyone do the thinking for you. Be honest look for the truth and then decide.

Let ‘er rip tater chips.

Hello, Tap Tap is This Thing On?

Oh. Hello there. Where you been?John

Ok Ok. I know I have been away for a few weeks and I apologize. Work has been a bit hectic with the staff taking vacations and shifts needing to be covered. So there has been that.

I have also been suffering a bit of writers block. Not that I don’t have anything in particular to say or discuss. My block as it were is that I just haven’t felt much like talking. Well thats not true. Much like writing or even more specific much like typing. Nothing wrong really. I am not in any blog funk or anything. I can probably best classify my absence as a bit lazy, a need to observe with a side of my give a shit meter was sucking fumes. Just think about it like all the TV shows are in re-runs there was nothing to watch, football season hadn’t started and I was at the beach looking at the last of the summer boobs tits ass  well you know what I mean.

Now I am back. I’ll at least try a little better then one new post this month. Unless I win lotto. Then all bets are off. Well thats not true either. If I win the lotto I would at least make a post with a picture of me holding the winning ticket and a caption saying something rather dramatic in a fashion you have come to expect of me. “Eat my ass, I am out of here!” or something equally as appropriate and poetic. You know, classy and whatnot.

President Obama sure is sticking his meat in this Syria gas thing as much as he can. I have to wonder though what and or why is Obama so hell bent on making this Syria thing into such a monumental issue. We (United States) have happily stood by and watched other countries gas people and we couldn’t give two shits. Iraq in 1988 ring a bell? Saddam gasses the shit out of his own people and some Iranians. Hell the CIA was at the time giving Saddam intelligence reports on Iranian movements and where to gas the Iranians and the Kurds. That gassing was ok. No tomahawk missile strikes there.

We (United States) only sprayed 20 million tons of chemicals in Vietnam. Anyone remember Agent Orange? Anyone want to take a guess how many vietnamese have been born with feet growing out of their heads or tits from their knee caps since the 60’s and 70’s? If they even survived. Its estimated that more then seven million vietnamese have been affected by the shit we sprayed over there. Not even counting the number of our own guys and girls we screwed up with the crap.

Tear gas is a chemical weapon. Oh its true.

Occupy Wall Street?
Waco Texas?

White Phosphorous is a chemical incendiary. Its a chemical weapon. We (United States) were burning down Iraqi woman and children in Fallujah with it in 2004. All true

When you look back historically the US is really ok with chemical weapons. So I have to ask myself why Mr. Obama has such a hard-on for Syria when they decide to use it against their own people. Then it dawned on me.

Guess what is coming up in October? Obamacare’s implementation of the individual mandate. Starting in October and mandatory compliance beginning on January 1st 2014 if you don’t have healthcare you need to buy some.

What a better way to gloss over and cloud that soon to be epidemic cluster f*&k then get us into a mess with Syria?

You don’t have healthcare you must by January 1st. Guess what? You have to pay out of pocket too and you will not get anything from Uncle Obama until you file your taxes in November 2014. I am just wondering how the millions on food stamps, unemployment, SSI and other government sanctioned welfare that all love Obama will pay for healthcare for a year on their own in order to get a subsidy (which really is only a tax credit) in next years taxes?

Has anyone figured out that individual healthcare that will be sold through the state exchanges will run about $250 – $400 a month for a single person and if you have kids and a deadbeat dad to insure you don’t even want to know how many Big Mac’s Juanita is going to have to flip to cover those costs.

Friends the shit storm is brewing. May want to keep your eye on the prize and not be so gullibly swayed by some nonsense in Syria. If you haven’t called or emailed your elected representatives and told them in no uncertain terms “you vote no on Syria action or your ass is out come next election” then you’re asleep at the switch.

The irony in all this mess is Obama made his entire campaign and career of getting to where he is right now, blaming George W. Bush for going into Iraq on the premise of chemical / mass destruction weapons after 2001 when we learned there were those crazy enough to use them on us. Now Obama wants to grandstand after the fact when the kids and the babies are already dead? For what purpose? They already used the gas, the kids are dead. Old Bush trying to get to the weapons before they were used on someone innocent doesn’t look like that big of dickhead anymore.

Thats it. As the warrior poet Hank Williams Jr. once said. “I can skin a buck and run a trout  line a country boy can survive.”

Let ‘er rip, tater chips.

Tennessee Stud

CashThe Tennessee Stud was long and lean
The color of the sun and his eyes were green
He had the nerve and he had the blood
There was never a horse like the Tennessee Stud – Johnny Cash

Been a long strange week and theres no better way to hold the line then with some Johnny Cash.

Some idiots decided to take out their frustrations of not making friends, money, or getting laid in this country by assembling some crude explosive devices and deploying them against innocent people in a popular foot race in Boston. Some people died, some people lost legs, some people lost their faith in the simple notion of public safety.

Then as has been proven time and again in this nations short history, when things are down we pull together and stand as one. Its a shame it takes such extreme devastation to look past religious or political differences to come together as a nation as was evidenced this past week in the subsequent killing and capture of the two suspects.

None the less we live in different times now. Its not up to our government to protect us from every idiot retard kid with a gun or extreme idealogical asshole with a pipe bomb. One needs to be vigilant and aware of their surroundings at the mall, NASCAR races, football games, or the movie theater. If somethings strange or your gut tells you somethings not right, move along or tell someone.

The kid that lost both his legs, who later in the hospital told the FBI/authorities the bomber looked him in the face, placed the backpack/bomb at his feet and then walked away only two and a half minutes later to have the bomb go off may be hailed as a hero. The fact remains, he unknowingly stood next to a goddamn bomb, after watching the bomber place the pack at his feet and did nothing. While hindsight is always 20/20 in this day and age if you’re out in highly congested areas and some jackass sets a rather large backpack on the ground and moves away in a fashion like he/she isn’t coming back you get your ass out of dodge too.

American BulldogIn other news, I adopted another dog from the local animal shelter. In keeping with my tradition of naming all my animals after characters from the movie Cool Hand Luke, say hello to Dragline.

Drag is about a three year old American Bulldog, Pit, Mastiff and anything else. About a year ago the local no kill shelter got him from the Humane Society which was going to Buddieseuthanize him the very next day. Dragline at the time was heartworm positive and not in good shape. We got him cleaned up, healthy again, and now he is thriving and in my home with my Cocker Spaniel, Lucas Jackson War Hero.

Both dogs are getting along without any overt our outward aggression. I keep my eye on them since they’re both males and when any sizing up to see who is the alpha between the two starts to take place, I get in the middle and show them that neither of them are in charge that I am their pack leader. The last few days around here have been lots of exercise, discipline and love. Rinse lather repeat. Its working.

Guns and the second amendment has been a pretty hot topic these last few months. I will admit I felt good about watching a dejected Obama cry on TV about his gun legislation not getting past the senate. As if I needed to state publicly, I am not in favor of ANY additional gun control. Not “assault” weapons bans or magazine capacity limitations. I do not support private sale background checks. If a government agent can come to my door with a thirty round magazine in an assault type weapon, as long as I am not a convicted felon I should be able to meet that force with the exact same level. Period the end. Its not about hunting, its not about need. Its about simple unalienable right!

.45 auto 1911Last week, a friend of mine whom is new to firearms and shooting wanted to go to a gun range and shoot. I offered my services since any opportunity bring someone new into shooting and firearms with some level of safety and respect is a good thing. I have plenty of guns, been shooting all my life so away we went.

We drove to a brand new indoor rage not to far from here. Plenty of staff, new accommodations and equipment. Gun rental, ammunition, eye and ear protection you know the scene.

After a short questionnaire and hold harmless releases, all new members watch a five minute range safety video. No problem I think and we head over to a small tv in the corner of the establishment.

Its a Saturday, business is good and there are plenty of people in the shop both customer and staff. My friend and I are about a minute into the safety video, the front counter is over my right shoulder behind me where business is being conducted. People buying range ammo, renting guns, having personal weapons safety checked for used on range etc.

Then it happens.


In all of about 1/2 second I automatically know what the sound is without even flinching or turning my head. My lady friend who has never really shot or been around guns jumps about three feet straight up. I position myself between her and where the sound came from. I think in my head, “ok we’re at a gun range with clearly armed staff, we’re not being robbed, so the next thing is accidental discharge and I am going to look over there now and see someone bleeding out on the floor if they weren’t already dead.” Remember the elapsed time from gunshot to me making sure my friend was ok, to turning around knowing what I was going to see was all of about 1/2 to 3/4 of a second.

I look over, sure enough accidental discharge. No one is down, no one is bleeding. Good sign. Some young kid staff member had the sense to point the customers weapon into a safe direction while either clearing a jammed weapon or handed a loaded weapon from a customer. I never got the full story, but the rest of the staff didn’t beat the shit out of the customer after the fact so I suspect the staff was trying to clear a jam, which was successful albeit through the wall behind the cash register.

While the entire establishment is deathly silent and in disbelief, I rather loudly proclaim “maybe you guys (staff) need to watch this movie too.”

Everyone is ok, the staff member chokes his balls back out of his throat and excuses himself to go change his pants.

I knew this wasn’t going to be a good start to introducing my friend to the pleasures of shooting and gun ownership. However she was a trooper and continued on. Nervously.

I had my heirloom reworked 1911 .45cal that my grandfather carried in WWII and my father carried in Vietnam. I rented a nice Luger .357 roll gun for my friend as she was interested in revolvers. Now you’re probably thinking “you gave a woman new to shooting, who just stood 10 feet away from an accidental discharge a .357?”

First timersYes I did. I am of the opinion while I have her here go big now and get it over with. You know what? She shot it too and believe it or not with all things considered she did very good with it. It is in fact too much gun for her, but I reassured her this is all part of the process of finding a personal weapon. You shoot a bit of everything, but now she has pretty much as far as kick and power, shot the worst of the worst. Granted there’s the .44 mags and .50 hand cannons but we already know those will never be a part of her arsenal. We put a box through the .357 and .45 and she tries both. She’s never really been around an active busy gun range and shot at the same time, plus with being unnerved with the slight episode in the lobby, she did do well. I was proud of her. We’ll go again to the range and try other guns. She’ll get more accustomed to the sounds and smells, and she’ll one day pick a gun to call her own. All in all a successful fist trip.

Let ‘er rip, tater chips!

Here Comes the Sequestration

beatles Here comes the Sequestration,
here comes the Sequestration,
And I say it’s all right

Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here

Get ready its coming and frankly I am all for it. Let the cuts begin and pieces fall where they may. If the current administration refuses to make any sort of a budget and live by it then guess what? Obama knew sequestration was coming and did squat about it. Blame the republicans and blame the democrats if it makes you feel better. The real failure is lack of leadership that starts and ends in the white house. End of discussion.

Remember my screaming goats? Yep, viral. Viral in the best way. Take a look see.

Taylor take it the goat way too.

Goat pisses on dead crackheads grave in epic form.

Goat doesn’t spare the musical abortion of Bieber either.

Thats about it kids. Enjoy your hump day and remember the dude and the goat abides, man!

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!

Stay calm and carry on.

By now we all the know the answer to the big question. It seems that what I was afraid was going to happen actually happened.

In America you’re not going to win an election for president without support from women, the blacks or hispanics. As polarizing as that statement may be its the cold hard truth. Lets look at the numbers a little more closely.

Obama had 93% of the black vote. Obamas administration and the democratic party cater to this demographic and have essentially enslaved them with government programs such as welfare, food stamps, healthcare, unemployment. When you’re Mitt Romney and trying to ride the Reagan wave of the 80’s with voters you can not alienate this group with silly off hand comments of “47%’ers” not paying their way no matter how true it may be! Being white and trying to convince this core group of voters to vote for you when they have a black candidate who signs the checks is hurdle enough. Yes its a race problem. The majority of the 93% black vote went to Obama because he is black. Its that simple and anyone arguing otherwise is a liar or just plain stupid. Compound that ideology with providing this core group of voters with the government programs the republican party wants to trim and shrink down in the name of personal responsibility and you have an up hill battle. Romney failed miserably with this demographic and so does the republican party.

Obama had 69-70% of the hispanic/latino vote. This I would not directly blame Mitt Romney more then I would blame the republican party itself. Mitt knew this was an issue early in the race and went to the republican party and explained to them the national conversation on the hispanic and latino issue should be integration and legal immigration rather then deportation. The republicans and tea-party old school lives by “send the goddamn illegals back home, fuck em”! Well guess what? Who do you think is coming to this country and actually doing all the work and busting their asses that the 93% of the group mentioned above does NOT do? YEP. Love it or hate it the hispanic and latinos in this country are the ones picking fruit, mowing grass, laying tile, basically doing all the shit work in this country the blacks wont do. When you as the republican party go after this group with threats of deportation (Arizona) you’re not going to win favors or votes with the group. Mitt knew and understands this. The republican party however is stuck in the dark ages on this matter. The solution is not to just deport the illegals, the solution is to get the illegals here that are working, legal and on the fucking TAX ROLLS.

Obama had 55% of married women and 68% of unmarried women. Do we even need to discuss this? Abortion. Look there is nothing wrong with having religious convictions and those convictions shaping who you are and how you conduct yourself. No one is taking that away from anyone. The bottom line however is pretty clear and simple. Shut the fuck up about it, its not your problem. Abortion is a states right issue. It has no place at the national level. Down to the brass tacks? It’s a woman’s right and hers and hers alone issue. The feds have no more right telling a religious organization to provide birth control as the fed has a right saying a woman can not have free access to it. Whether you like it or don’t abortion is a form of birth control. No one cares what your god says about abortion and no one is taking away your belief in what your god tells you to think about abortion. The sooner we all accept this and stop trying to shove our morality or lack of down the throats of the other the better we will all be. Here’s another tip to the republicans. Douche out your fucking head gear. Homosexuals live among us and they are a fact of life. They are going to get married, love each other, adopt and raise kids. Again the fags aren’t shoving their lifestyle down anyones throat and this notion that two queers can get married and it somehow negates your marriage between you and your wife/husband is silly and just plain bullshit. Get used to it. Your marriage to your wife/husband will never be any less sanctified to you and your god just because two dudes or two women want to have the same piece of government paper saying they are married as you and your wife/husband have.

I think Mitt could have been a good President. Obama is still an evil socialist pig. However, Obama didn’t do anything in this election any other democrat would have done. Obama played the cards the republican party dealt him. Until we as the republican party stop handing these elections away to the democrats by simple and stupid mistakes we are going to slide the slippery slope to universal and socialized everything that Obama and his party are greasing the skids to right now.

One of two things is the only way out of this mess we are creating for ourselves.

Outright revolt and revolution. By that I mean we attack and take back everything and re-boot. Taxes, government, term limits for house and senate, two party system, campaign finance etc. We allowed these scumbags to legislate the system into a good old boys/girls club that has NOTHING to do with the people they are claiming to represent. Its about $ and self preservation.


The republican / conservative party really takes a good hard look at itself. This isn’t fucking 1980 anymore. Ronald Reagan was great and awesome, but we don’t need another and the people who voted him in office aren’t here any more. By “here” I mean way the fuck out in the fringe of right wing conservatism. We as a political party are going nowhere until we convince those centralist voters who are heading and gone left in the last two elections to come back this way. You cant just bargain with those people with a promise of a good job any more. Especially when the democrats and socialists are providing proof to them they can take the attitude of “fuck a job, I got a free Obama phone”. Give them work, give them dignity to succeed and be responsible. Do not trade one for another with religious morality, deportation and true deserved welfare necessity.

I can go on about how Obama is a fraud, and an anti-colonial apologist who is hell bent on making America into a 3rd and 4th rate nation. It will be a miracle if we pull out of this next presidential term in tact as a super power able to compete and protect ourselves in the world. There is a lot to worry about and hate with the administration. However, as a republican and conservative there is whole bunch wrong we as a party need to unfuck and clean up internally if we think we are ever going to regain power and restore this nation to true prosperity and greatness.

So in the meantime I am taking the attitude to Stay Calm and Carry On. I’ll protect my money and assets as best as I can. I’ll watch with interest how we as a party stop this polarizing bullshit, and hope we can work things back this way through peaceful means. If not let the revolution begin. I am ready to go to ground, and I wont feel bad at all when we line up all the traitors against the wall.

As the great American poet Mr. Williams Jr. once said

I can skin a buck and run a trout line because a country boy can…..


Mary, Mary why you buggin’

Mary, Mary I need ya huggin’

Sorry was getting my throwback on with a little Run DMC. Such simpler times those were. Sometimes I really miss them and at others I’m happily contented that they are long gone.

Well its Friday again, there’s a hurricane offshore and the local media is in another full fledged “oh shit” panic attack because of it. To better illustrate the insanity of hurricanes and the local media for all you long distance readers of this blog, right about now all the native Florida “crackers” (non-derogatory term for life long Floridians) are pretty much wishing for another Romney/Obama commercial on TV as compared to another “weather bimbo” screaming about the destructive forces and possible cone of death we may or may not be in the path of. Its absolutely mind numbing to listen to the idiots on tv prognosticate about hurricanes. In the end though I guess its necessary because if theres anything I have learned from simple observation in life its that inherently people are stupid.

By now everyone knows Donald Trump is half a choad and surfs the waves of douchebaggery.  Earlier this week “The Donald” issued an offer to President Obama. The offer was simple, release all college transcripts entrance applications and his application for a passport and in exchange Mr. Trump would within an hour write a check for $5 Million dollars to any charity of President Obama’s choosing. That is 5 million dollars!!  A five and six zeros and two commas to the left of the decimal point for all you playing at home.

We all know Trump loves publicity and is an opportunists at every turn. Trump makes no bones about it. But lets look at this a little deeper and at its most fundamental core.

Who the hell is Barack Obama? Get past all the birther bullshit. (we’ll even disregard for a moment his “long form birth certificate is fake with every single document expert and authority stating as much) Who is the guy? Every single President before him has disclosed every single piece of information that Obama has under lock and key. Why is that?

I dont care that Obama smoked dope and sold coke in college. I don’t care that his grades reflect he’s a moron. We know all this already. My question is simple. Why hide this information from the public? Bush was an idiot and he put his grades out there to prove it. He didnt hide from it.

Obama claims to be transparent and run a transparent administration. Meaning everything is open to public and above board. Why does that train come crashing to a screaming halt whenever the finger is pointed to his past?

Do you folks realize President Obama went to college, post graduate, received a law degree and there isnt even a paragraph of a book report written by this man about a nursery rhyme? Who the hell is he?

Well Brock he wrote a book isn’t that good enough?

I’ll be honest, I read “his” books. I wanted to know who the hell the guy was more then “well Oprah loves him”. If you were like me and read the books then you know they are not his words. Those words belong to Bill Ayers. You might not know him. I’ll help you. He is essentially a homegrown terrorist who was part of the communist group called the Weather Underground in the 1960’s. Ayers and his pals bombed government buildings and police stations in protest of the Vietnam war. Ayers is popular in the corrupt Chicago liberal scene and has written a lot. Take a look at some of his writing and then Obama’s books. Just beware of the lightning during your own personal watershed moment.

When you get past the bullshit of Trump and then all the liberal media labeling him an idiot for making the offer to Obama for his transcripts, there is a fundamental issue at hand here.

Why does Obama jump up and down demanding that Mitt Romney should disclose twenty years of tax returns, but Obama tells Trump to go fuck himself before he releases a simple piece of paper showing his request to attend Occidental, Columbia or Harvard?

Not only does Obama tell Trump to blow himself, Obama tells the very people of this country he claims to represent (middle class, under privileged, poor) to go to hell that essentially any charitable group representing those people in this country or world is NOT worth $5 Million dollars to Obama!

Do you know what $5 Million dollars buys for say Michelle Obama’s fat kid school lunch crap initiative?

This is the easiest and quickest $5 Million dollars this man will ever see in his life. All this for a simple couple of pieces of paper. Obama wont do it. Why? Obama has an opportunity to score a metric ton of cash for some people who could really use that money to make a difference. Obama has a chance to take a metric ton of money from a bonafide jackoff and shut him up for all eternity. Why wouldn’t he do that?

I’ll tell you why. Obama is a fraud. Everything about the mans life is bullshit. You think Bernie Madoff pulled a scam on the people of the world in epic proportions? You haven’t seen anything yet. When it comes to light, what and who Obama really is and has done to this country it will make Madoff look like he only stole a box of Girl Scout thin mints. The fraud Obama has perpetrated to get into office and then what he has done while there will only be surpassed on the shame the people of this nation will share in for putting him in the office in the first place. We all fell asleep at the switch, and for what? Some glimmer of “hope and change” when we were really down on our luck and starring into the abyss?

What did all of our grandfathers and mothers and their parents and the greatest generation that saved the world and this country teach us? We deserve what we do to each other under Obama. We put him in office. What we cant do, is go back to that greatest generation and honor their sacrifices and regain their trust for what we have done.

Obama’s got nothing and has done nothing. I am smart enough to see through his bullshit, and his biased and contextually incorrect “facts”. That doesn’t bother me. All politicians do that. My problem is far more simple. Who is Obama?

I’ll take Mitt this time. Is he showing up on some issues crooked as a dogs hind leg? You bet your ass he is. The difference is he shows up crooked and not a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I’ll take that honesty in a scumbag any day.

Yes, “The Donald” may have a bad hairpiece and be a douche. When you get past all that, he cuts to the quick and knows a dirtbag when he sees one. Donald is dead on this time and he has $5 Million reasons in his pocket on why he is 100% correct.

Off the soap box and quick Lucas update:

Does your dog watch TV? Mine does. Well let me rephrase. All my dogs have watched TV.

When my Golden Retriever Lucille was around she really didn’t care about the TV when it was on. That is unless I was watching Cesar Millan the Dog Whisperer on National Geographic. No matter what if I turned on Cesar and there were dogs running around Lucille would walk up to the TV and very closely watch what the dogs on tv were doing.

Fast forward. Now there is a new dog around since Lucille decided to deprive me of her company.

Lucas doesn’t care much about TV. Same as Lucille. Lucas also doesn’t give a damn about Cesar and his pack of dogs. However Lucas doesn’t like scary movies. Paranormal Activity #3 to be exact.

I was watching Paranormal Activity 3 on Netflix this past week. I have enjoyed these movies in that past. They are silly and go for the cheap scare. Every time the suspense would build and I was getting that feeling of “oh shit something about to happen” Lucas would be staring at the TV growling and barking. It was so strange. There wasnt anything on the screen to catch his attention, but the suspense was building up and sure enough in a second or two…bam. Something scary would happen. Lucas would bark, growl and I’d piss myself.

Little guy has some heart. He was all bowed up ready to roll. I was so proud. The scene in the movie would calm down, so would he. Suspense would build back up, there was Lucas ready to throw down again.

So I can happily report two things. All my dogs have taken notice and actively watched some kind of TV program with great interest. Second, Paranormal Activity 3 is pretty good if you enjoy suspenseful cheap shock factor of these kind of movies.