Test test 1,2,3 is this thing on?

So yea, its like 2/3 of the way through July and I haven’t posted since mid February. Way to stay consistent Brock. Ah well screw it. Nobodies perfect. I always said I wouldn’t post just to post if I didn’t have something to say. Not that I have anything earth shattering to say right now, but I thought it prudent to reach out to you loyal readers and tell you I am fine, all is good and I pooped three times today. I feel like million bucks.


I got one of these with a buddy of mine. There was another but he’s in the freezer now.


I turned these into this for mothers day this year. She was happy. I’m a damn good son.


I am going back next month with a couple of these to fill up again.


I got some of these.


To ride one of these


This one isn’t mine but I borrow him from time to time. I’m going to get my own.


These three are still with me. Stop! Shut up! and Get Down! We keep shit real.


Its almost Football season. Thank Christ!

So there you have it. A small pictorial to catch you up on the happenings these last couple of months. There is more, but for now I’ll close and just assure you I have more posts coming along.

So be nice, be safe, and enjoy your time here.

Semper Fi, and Let ‘er rip tater chips.

Gangway Thursday! Coming Through Nothing to See Here

Haven’t made a Thursday post in while so here we go. Another milestone. Go me. Go you. We’re awesome.

What’s new?

Kate is still pregnant, puking and shitting herself.

Rex Ryan is still an idiot and starting Sanchez against Jacksonville. This will certainly put the final nail into the wildcard playoff coffin chances of the year.

Homeless people in New York really are stupid. You give them shoes in the winter, and they trade them for booze the next day. You tell them to go get a job and they push you in front of a subway. Meanwhile every other fire, police, power company, and other tradesmen from around the country are voluntarily helping with the recovery of Hurricane Sandy in NJ/NY while the bums sit and freeze their asses off doing nothing. Go figure.

Syria is loading aerial bombs with the base components of sarin gas. I hope they use it on each other. Not because I want to see people die in the most gruesome way possible, because trust me, it will be gruesome and it will not be pretty. I want to see it happen because its a permanent and lasting solution to a problem that will take care of everything within hours over there. It will be one less headache for Israel and it will consume the Obama administration for at least a year in bullshit politics of shifting blame, making excuses and hiding truth and fact, that Washington wont have time to ruin the economy further. Well for a bit of time anyway. One can hope. HOPE AND CHANGE YO!

I suppose I should start thinking about Christmas shopping this year. That fact that I am thinking about thinking about the shopping shows I am maturing with age. My goal is do something in the way of Christmas presents before the 23rd. We’ll see how all that pans out. My modus operandi is start my shopping on December 24th. By that time Im so ridiculously late that I can’t even be stressed about it anymore and only laugh as I battle my way through the crowds of other ridiculously late procrastinators out on Christmas Eve doing the same exact thing. We’re a small group, a band of brothers if you will. You know us by the smiles on our faces, walking through the Targets and Best Buys with Starbucks cups full of scotch. We all live knowing that all can be made well with our significant others by the mere and simple stop by the mall jewelry store and the purchase of flashy stones and gold metal that will prove us worthy for another year. Merry Christmas!

Thats it. I need coffee.

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!