Cops. Come and try to snatch my crops!

EVTime Who you tryin’ to get crazy with ese? Don’t you know I’m loco?

Well it looks like Mr. Peabody has turned the way-back machine dials to 1993 this morning.

War was over
I was home from the Marines
Pearl Jam gave us Vs
Nirvana gave us In Utero and then suicide the following April
Cypress Hill broke us off some with Black Sunday

I catch myself in conversation and sometimes others catch me when referring to someone as old being like forty-five or fifty years of age. Then I, or someone else will go, “Old? Um, you realize we’re forty-something?” Opps! Then I immediately revise my statements to “Oh I mean old like really old, not our kind of old” in a pitiful attempt to not be old myself. Only walking away thinking to myself “Jesus, they’re right I am getting old too…..SHIT.”

Getting old isn’t so bad. Its just a number. You’re only as old as you feel you are. (insert any number of failing to make oneself feel better cliche type sayings here) I feel good. My health is good. My mind is good yeah well my mind is still there.

However sometimes I sit and think to myself. Is this where I am supposed to be? Was this all part of the plans I envisioned for myself? The only problem is, I can’t say with certainty what “the plan” really was for me. You have all the normal life’s goals of course. Do good, be happy, make money, support yourself, but past all that what was “my” plan?

I am at the old or young age of forty-two still unsure what my plan for life really is. Can I invent something that will save the world, or destroy it? Sure I could, but what is it? Can I paint or create the next artistic master piece? Sure I could, but what is it? Can I inspire millions of people, or just one person? Sure I could, but who?

There are so many variables that plot out and or influence either directly or indirectly in our lives to figure out ones place in the world. What do you believe in? What do you have faith in? Do you chase the plan down, does it come to you like a vision while scratching your ass in line at the grocery store? Do you just carry on believing it will find you? I have no clue. I guess I am still in the camp of not knowing what I want to be when I grow up. I am still waiting to see.

I am waiting to see. I have my eyes open. That wasn’t always the case though and at times I still need to remind myself to slow down and look around. Society pushes us in directions which we mistakenly think is normal and “the way we should go”. I used to believe and subscribe to this idea. Go to school, get a job, make lots of money, get married, have lots of kids, go in debt, curse the kids, curse the wife, lose the job, die. I used to believe all this too. Now, not so much. I watched my peers, family, friends do these things and I even did some of these things.

No, now I plot and follow a much simpler course. Do good, be happy, be me and wait and see. Oh, and of course second guess myself at every turn on this wait and see path wondering what it is I am supposed to see. If there is one thing worse then living by simple and sound advice its hoping the shit was right and it all works out. I am ready, willing and able for life, and I know theres more for me, but what? I am in no rush honestly although my age tells a voice in my head “well what the fuck lets get this thing on”.

In the end I cant complain. I am already rich and I am happy. I’m rich simply based on the friends and family I have and the work I do. I am happy with me. I got here honestly and while the road here took many turns, hills and valleys in the end I know I wound up here on my own and with clarity. I know I missed some opportunities on this path, and at times regretted them, but I know now, what I thought I wanted or needed really wasn’t for me. My eyes were closed in those times. Now my eyes are open and I wait and see.

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!

Look mommy, there’s an airplane up in the sky

Did you see the frightened ones meteor
Did you hear the falling bombs
Did you ever wonder
Why we had to run for shelter

Well if you’re Russian that wasn’t any airplane. Just a meteor nothing to see here. Move along. TGIF!

But WAIT! There is more!

What if the meteor that slammed into Russia yesterday is not just a meteor? What if its merely a piece of “meteor shrapnel” from the bigger piece of asteroid that is supposed to pass by the earth at the closest distance since the dinosaurs were wiped out in the last planet wide armageddon? You guys know about the asteroid right?

Clicky Clicky Asteroid Clicky Clicky

What if the the world governments are all lying to us about the asteroid and its really going to strike the earth rather then passing by at 17,000 miles to preserve the peace? If NASA knew we were all going to die in nuclear winter because an asteroid the size of olympic sized swimming pool would hit the earth would they tell us? Whats the point? Do we spend the last days in holy terror knowing all life was going to cease to exist in a week, or just keep quiet and let us live out the last few days in unknowing bliss? Wake up Saturday morning and “BLINK” were all gone in a few seconds.

I don’t know man. I watched Armageddon! Where is Bruce Willis? Where is fucking ROCKHOUND man? We’ve got no supercharged space shuttles! Aerosmith didn’t even write us a damn soundtrack for this shit. I am not ready to go!

Grab yo shit. Grab yo kids. Head for the hills and your bunkers. I think were all going to die. I aint got time for this!

On the other hand. I’ve lived a good and interesting life so far and have no regrets. Well I do have some regrets but I swear I did the best I could with what I had at the time, so pretty much screw it lets get this over with I say. I am ready.

Who am I kidding? God, Karma, (insert your higher power here) wouldn’t wipe out the earths population in the middle of tax season. Destiny and chance couldn’t be in our favor that much. Yea we’ll live on now, I am sure of it.

False Alarm. Sorry folks. Move along nothing to see here.

TGIF and see you next week.

Let ‘er rip tater chip!


Fat Tuesday and the Pope has left the building.

Fat TuesdayHappy Fat Tuesday. Flash your boobs and get some beads, give up sweets for Lent and say goodbye to the Pope.

In an unexpected move although not unprecedented the Pope turned in his resignation papers and his pension payment options to Jesus yesterday. When you’re the Pope thats the next in command right? Jesus? I mean when you’re the Pope who do you tell you’re quitting and hauling ass? Not some clerk down in the Vatican personnel office right?

Yes, yesterday the Pope got up, scratched his ass and said, “You know what? Fuck this. I am out.”

You’re the Pope for goodness sake. You don’t just up and quit. Strength? What kind of strength does a Pope need? You have choir  boys, Cardinals, Bishops, and a couple billion other church members jerking you off all day. You get up say your omnis dominus and you go down and watch the nuns play volley ball all day. How hard can it be?

What are you going to do? The church will find some other old crusty Cardinal to take his place. Some old idiot denouncing safe and accepted birth control and that somehow Jesus/God would rather man and woman screw each other and pass along Aids wiping out the human race then use a simple condom. Bingo, Gambling and drinking is ok though some come on down to Family Church night!

It’s Fat Tuesday today. Most of us are working, but try and enjoy your day. Eat good food, have a drink be merry. Wednesday is Lent. Give something up for 40 days. Candy, sweets, cursing, gambling, jerking off three times a day, giving the girl the old Dutch Rudder. Yea right. What kind of life would that be? Ok ok I suppose I can cut back on cursing. Wait…… hear that? It was like the cries of a million people on the planet of Aldaran being extinguished by the rays from the Death Star. Somewhere in the force, Obi Wan just shit his pants. No cursing for forty days? Even the Pope had his limits!

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!

Alive in the Superunknown

If this doesn’t make you free Friday
It doesn’t mean you’re tied
If this doesn’t take you down
It doesn’t mean you’re high
If this doesn’t make you smile
You don’t have to cry
If this isn’t making sense
It doesn’t make it lies

Another TGIF, and here’s to hoping its a quick and easy day for all of us.

As I sit here writing this quick post, drinking my coffee, the news is on in the background about some pissed off cop out in California who’s cheese has slipped off his cracker and killing fellow cops. Seems this guy thinks he was unfairly treated and then terminated by the police department where he used to work. After a rather lengthy and rambling manifesto, killing three officers, he’s now on the run with the entire law enforcement community looking for him.

Other then feeling bad about innocent people having to needlessly die, the only thing I can think about in all of this is the following:

Excuse me brother, what we call drugs at the 74th Street Baptist Church we call the sin of sin sins.

Well round here, between Normandie and Western, we call this here a little twenty twen twen

Ok all joking aside. I hope the authorities catch the guy before he kills someone else. However there is a part of me that wants the guy to succeed and go on killing cops at will. The make-believe not in the real world part of my silly fantasies part of me of course. Why? Easy. In a sick twisted way this Chris Dorner guy is the underdog fighting “The Man” whom he has perceived has done him wrong. Remember I only think this in my wildest, deepest make-believe fantasies, I dont condone killing cops or anyone else for no good reason, although Mr. Dorner seems to think he has good reason, clearly he’s not well.

In a weird way, I think if you’re going to go bat shit crazy and create havoc in the world then go for it but clearly and carefully choose the target of your wrath and stay committed to your cause. In this case Dorner has a beef with the police/cops and he has chosen to target those people so far and only those people.

In a way, I think if everyone who went on crazy killing sprees did this, it would better illustrate their points and secondly it keeps those they target and go after more responsible and accountable.

Let me explain further. Everyone hates the IRS. Some hate the IRS so much they get to a point, and pick up a gun or knife and go killing innocent non-IRS people. All this does is confirm you lost your damn mind and killed innocent people. You are on the news five minutes, caught, on court tv, thrown in prison for life or executed and then forgotten forever. You’re not even a footnote in history.

Now if every IRS hating person who chose to go crazy, only went after IRS people in their murderous rampage, then what happens? People start to think, “Why the hell are all these IRS people getting killed by these crazy people?” People start looking into the IRS and the IRS starts looking at itself trying to figure how or what they are doing wrong that people are targeting them. Things at the IRS change. See how that works? See how that works in my own admittedly twisted logic?

In my overly simplified example above you can replace IRS for, Abortion Doctors, Child molesters, Congress, Senators, Walmart anything under the sun really. If you’re going to go crazy and kill people, dont kill innocent people who in no way are connected to your rage. Kill the people or members of the organization that wronged you.

Oh and leave a rambling manifesto too. Those really help to squash any media bias and ratings mongering speculation. You kill twenty catholic priests, and in the end flash your gun at the police so they have to shoot you, the news reports, “obviously this individual was a deranged person who held no value on the lives of innocent people”. You leave a manifesto that explains for years as a small boy you were repeatedly molested as a child by a half dozen priests who never had to face any consequences and were just hidden and moved to new parishes by the Pope or Bishops, its hard to spin or deny the fact that “well the guy may have a small beef with the church.”

So what have we learned here kids? If you’re going to lose you damn mind and kill people:

  1. Figure out who you’re mad at and target those people only.
  2. Leave a long rambling missive about why you’re pissed, who you hate, and also that you love Justin Bieber and Tim Tebow.
  3. Don’t get caught, or if you do, don’t surrender. Kill yourself or point your gun/weapon at the police and let them kill you.

Or you could just not be a freaking lunatic, lose your self control and hurt/kill innocent people. Of course I wont have any fodder for my fantasy world underdog of bad taking a bite out of good, or good taking a bit out of bad depending on who’s getting the killing, but thats ok, there always my go to fall back of midget and stump porn.

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!

Well, I’m glad that’s over.

Max Overdrive Has the whole world gone mad? What the hell is going on out there? It’s like the earth has been caught up in a nearby passing comet’s trail and all the machines humans have gone bat-shit crazy. Only difference is there is no cool AC/DC soundtrack and Emilio Esteves isn’t a short order cook at a truck stop gas station.

Cris Kyle, Navy Seal, and the greatest sniper to come out of the Iraq/Afghanistan wars was killed this weekend by another broken veteran on a gun range in Texas. I can’t help but notice how Obama’s liberal media machine is all over anything to do with gun violence. Its a shame really the media can’t report unbiased and news worthy facts. The facts are simple. Every single day, TWENTY-TWO war veterans commit suicide. Let that sink in and read it again. I’ll help you. Every single day, TWENTY-TWO war veterans commit suicide. The same exact veterans that are getting there medical and healthcare benefits reduced more and more by the very President sitting in the oval office right now.

I wish I had spoke to someone after I got back from the first Gulf War. Instead I just kept my mouth shut, didnt talk much about what I saw, and kept on and carried on. After all hearing my father moan and groan in bed with nightmares from Vietnam as a kid was normal. As I look and think back now, aside from pissing them off with snoring, I have probably scared the shit out of every woman I have ever slept in the same bed with since 1993 with occasional nightmares and waking up in cold sweats. Sorry ladies, where ever you may be now.

Last week this wackjob (another fucked up veteran) jumps on a school bus, blasts the driver and takes a kid hostage into an underground bunker for a week. Thankfully today that all ended with the child safe and the veteran dead.

What could go so bad in your head to make one do that? I can’t say I know or understand, but I will say what some see in battle is some horrendous shit. In my case bad, but not bad in as much as my buddies getting hurt next to me. But in the subsequent Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Beirut, Vietnam, that high intensity close in combat seeing your friends get hurt/killed or injured yourself doesn’t leave your mind. It hasn’t for me and comparatively speaking what I did and saw was a cakewalk.

It’s sad, but more infuriating that mental health aid isn’t more available to veterans. When it is the stigma attached to it is like you’re some kind of pussy is a real issue. The ironic thing is and you can mark my words now, in the near future all kinds of mental health assets and federal funds are going to be made available all over this country to make sure someone who wants to buy a hand gun is suitable to own one. There will be so much bureaucratic bullshit involved with mental health and gun ownership all while the veterans who need the help will not get it and continue on in pain and hell between their ears. Only thing is they probably wont get a gun to kill themselves with, so its back to the pills. booze, highway overpasses.

The Super Bowl was weird this year. The game was great in the second half. Beyonce was good. The commercials? Eh. Was I the only one thinking in my head when they pulled out the Newtown or whatever elementary school choir and thought to myself, WTF? Is it now pretty much accepted that every single national tragedy we go through we must rally up the survivors and somehow make a spectacle of them at championship sporting events? First its Captain Sully. Now the kids who didn’t get blown away. Whats next? Little Ethan who was saved from the bunker in Alabama today, gets to wave the green flag at the Indy 500?

I watched the brand new Netflix series House of Cards this weekend. Thirteen episodes of season one. Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright. About a congressman from South Carolina. It was the best thing I have watched since Sopranos, Mad Men, Sons of Anarchy, and Walking Dead. Do yourself a favor sign up for Netflix for thirty days free and watch this series. If you like politics, you will love this series. Its brand new, on Netflix only and its absolutely awesome. There is a second season coming out with another thirteen episodes probably towards the end of the year. I can not wait. David Fincher produces and directs some episodes. Its well done. Two thumbs up, five stars, highly recommend. Here is the best part. Netflix put out all the episodes of the entire season at one time. I binged the entire season Friday night and Saturday morning.

I’ll close this for now and hope that all the crazy in the world calms down a little.

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!

This one time at band camp…

CampI never went to band camp. I did however in my youth go to a camp / ranch type thing for a week and its where I first learned to ride a horse. I don’t remember the name of the camp but its about 50-75 miles from here in another county. It was a Christian type youth thing with an emphasis on hunting, fishing, ranching, etc.

If I had to guess, I was probably 12-13 years old at the most. The place was run by this paraplegic old man in a motorized wheel chair. The lake had what amounted to a broken down helicopter on a small barge. There were ski ropes tied to the ends of the helicopter blade turned steel pole boom. The crippled old man would wheel his chair down to the edge of the lake, flop out of his wheel chair and then swim to the barge, crawl up, scoot to a chair on the side of the contraption, fire up the motor and work the spinning boom and ski ropes for us kids. We’d swim out one or two at a time, grab the ski rope handle and the old man would spin us around in the lake flinging flailing kids in all directions. It was a good time, and it was the first time I got to see some real pubescent vagina and think to myself, “hey that looks good, I want to get all up in that”.

Of course prior to that time, I had as a young man seen real life vagina before. The first time was Penny in kindergarten class flashing all the kids her junk during nap time. It was ok but at that time in my life I was more interested in talking about that weeks episode of Six Million Dollar Man or Baa Baa Black Sheep and drawing fighter jets, then some 5-6 year olds gash. Girls were still weird that smelled like strawberries and pee.

No, it wasn’t until I was away at camp and some old crippled man flung a cute blond 15 year old girl in a bikini with his chevy v-8 engine, helicopter blade, ski rope, child flinging lake blender who subsequently lost her bikini bottom that I knew I was going to like girls a hell of a lot. It also turns out I probably went to a camp as a kid that was run by a bible thumping crippled pedophile dirty old man, but thats a story I rather not think about.

You would think I would remember the girls name who had the magical vagina I spied that day at camp, but I can not. I can tell you what my horses name was that I rode and took care of all week. Chiquita! Chiquita was about 125 years old and had three hooves into the  Elmers glue factory and Old Roy dog food plant. How that horse remained alive so long I’ll never know. The blond magical vagina girl however rode a black stallion pony that could run like lightning. Man when she wasnt losing her bikini bottoms in the lake at the hands of the old pervert ski rope cripple man and wowing me with her awesome va-jay-jay she could ride the hell out of a horse. Had I been a little more older and wiser I would have put all this together faster and chased that young lady down more then I did that year at camp, but alas I am my fathers son and never been good at taking hints or putting the obvious together when it comes to women.

You’re probably wondering whats the point to all this and wheres the story going. I honestly don’t know that there is a point or why I am relating this story in as much as its simply a coming of age tale that has ultimately shaped my attraction in an ironic and slightly deviant way to the opposite sex. I really never found myself in later years getting involved with equestrian type bikini women with rather easy morals and the propensity for public display of ones sexual parts. No sir, I had to complicate things and look for rather conservative refined women with that ever elusive glint in the eyes that said, “after this rather boring intellectual movie we’re going home and I am going to redecorate the inside of your head with the level of slut I am going to bring to you tonight”.

I have gotten close to finding that girl a couple times in life. Its always the same thing, one or the other never everything in equal parts. All intellectual no slut. All slut, no intellectual. Conservative and equal parts slut, with a horrible side of pathological liar. A tall order in woman, yes but I know what I like and gravitate to. Why fool myself or someone else? I will admit thought in these days of my advanced age and the winding down of my biological clock, I have retooled and slightly modified my list of desirable traits in an ultimate woman. I wanted conservative, great sense of humor, loyal, honest, slutty (with me) type woman, now I have made compromises and realize no one is perfect. Now, I’ll settle for a sexy horse riding chick with a great vagina who will lie to me that I am the best and can tell an great fart joke. Back to basics and simple is as simple does I say!

Let er’ rip, tater chip!

Gonna Rise Up

Find my direction magnetically lightspeed
Gonna rise up
Throw down my ace in the hole

Whew! Where did the week go? It was like one minute it was Monday and uploading a blog and then it seems as if I turned around and now its Saturday evening. That was a fast week and I honestly have no earthly idea why.

There’s been lots of talk the last few weeks about how George Lucas sold the Star Wars franchise to Disney. Disney has announced that JJ Abrams will direct the next Star Wars movie slated to come out 2015. For those of you not sure JJ Abrams redid the last Star Trek movie that came out a couple of years back chronicling a young James Tiberius Kirk and how he got into the star fleet academy. I actually like Abrams version of Star Trek and thought it was well done. I know and realize a lot of the purists of both Star Trek and Wars probably wont agree but I think Abrams taking on the new Star Wars movie is a move in the right direction. We’ll soon see, I am sure. Don’t get me wrong. I would consider myself a Trekkie and I grew up watching all the Star Wars films, but I’m not some cos playing douche who dresses up as Lord Vader to go see my favorite science fiction movie at midnight on the day of release. However I am excited. Sorry, not sorry.

Last week I made some pork tenderloin with apricot mustard reduction. It came out pretty good. Usually whenever I get my swine on its strictly low and slow BBQ with either ribs, butts, or hams. I don’t eat a lot of pork chops, or loins nor cook them inside but this time I gave it a try and it came out well. Roasted red potatoes and squash rounds out a healthful meal.

I’ll close this up and hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend.

Be good to each other.

Let ‘er rip, tater chips!

I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.
—Marine Corps General James Mattis

Black bandana, sweet Louisiana

Robbin’ on a bank in the state of Indiana
She’s a runner, rebel and a stunner
Oh her merry way sayin’ baby whatcha gonna
Lookin’ down the barrel of a hot metal forty five
Just another way to survive

Hello faithful readers. Happy Monday. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Happy Presidential Inauguration Day.

I miss Bill Clinton. Well let me rephrase. I miss Bill Clinton chasing ass around the White House. It nice to see he hasn’t changed as evidenced by the picture of him above snapped today. Stay classy Bill.

I wish I could tell you some exciting news about this past weekend. There isn’t much. New computers, big work projects, chores, and associated skullduggery and here we are.

Its the beginning of another week in the salt mines, and a President entering his second term. A president who thinks its absolutely ok to kill americans abroad with predator drones without any due process or the first constitutional check. Did you know that? Probably not since the administration is too busy figuring out ways to keep honest law abiding citizens from obtaining and owning assault style weapons with high capacity magazines. Except of course if you happen to be a Mexican drug cartel then its ok. The hypocrisy of this administration would be laughable if it wasn’t so sadly true. In the end we ultimately get the representation we deserve.

I have been watching the news lately in regards to gun control. While I doubt there will be anything to pass the house by way of federal law, I still wont bet against it. As a simple businessman with an interest towards economy, I bet President Obama would have been in a U-Haul right now heading back to Chicago. We know how that turned out. I won’t speculate about no sweeping changes in gun laws heading our way.

When I hear or read arguments about future gun control and the left or the right for that matter use the “hunting rifles and target shooting weapons are ok and no one needs thirty round magazines or military assault weapon” I cringe. Here is the bottom line as simple as can be explained regarding the second amendment.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Now people can twist this any way they want. Notice in here there is NOTHING regarding anything about “Hunting”. There is also nothing in here regarding assault weapons or high capacity magazines or clips. This amendment very simply states we have the right to bear arms to protect the security of the free state. In the context of the time, it meant people of Florida, or Georgia, or any other of the states could keep and bear arms to protect the state from the government or unknown outside influences. I know a lot of gun control advocates who either didn’t take a fucking history class or choose to ignore it, but I’ll help some more, in ebonics and street talk.

When us round eye, pale skinned honkeys first came here, we were a part of ENGLAND. As more and more of us came from England to this new world, we posted our asses up and down the east coast and called these new hoods, colonies, which we later after building some McDonalds, and KFC’s we called states.

Then ENGLAND said “Oh hell no. You honkeys has moved on up, you needs to pay more of your money to the King”. Then the tea came from England and the King said, you pay more. We were all like, “Fuck you”, and dumped that shit tea into the harbor.

Then some old guys like John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, and a bunch of others from each state, hung out and drank beer in Philadelphia Pa. While they were getting drunk they decided to write a letter to the King of England telling him to eat a bunch of dicks. Also that for now on we were not part of England, we were now the United States of America. The Declaration of Independence was the fuck you letter we sent to king. John Hancock hated the King of England so much he wanted to wipe his cock all over the paper, but being a man of class and honor, he just signed his name real big so the old bastard would see it without his spectacles.

Now the smart old dudes that made up and signed the fuck you letter to the King of England knew the King would send an army to try and kick our asses. They talked some tall bastard with wooden teeth to gather a bunch of men from each state with their own weapons to band together to fight the war with the English. Wooden teeth dude was George Washington.

The english army showed up, George Washington and his collection of homeboys from each state, fought England and they kicked their asses.

We won our independence and became the United States of America.

Now when all this shit was done, the drunk old dudes in Philly who wrote the “Fuck You” letter to England, decided to write another paper. This paper was called “The Constitution”. This paper dictated how we as the New United States would govern ourselves. We knew how bad England sucked ass and that we didn’t want to wind up like England. A lot of beer was drunk, Ben Franklin screwed some French whores, and Thomas Jefferson got to writing shit up. Thomas Jefferson was a smart guy with good handwriting who liked the dark meat. The main idea was that all United States men were free, could do what we want, and no one person had ultimate power to rule. Checks and balances were put in place to keep any one person or group from ruling over another.

Things we’re cool at first, but then a few years later, when the dudes in Philly sobered up, they realized the constitution wasn’t perfect and needed some fine tuning. They got together again, and wrote another paper called the Bill of Rights. See they knew government and power of any kind left unchecked can get too powerful and just use the system to make its own laws and then they were right back to the old days of England and the King fucking with people. So being sober and smart, the Philly crew created the second amendment of the Bill of Rights. Its what I show above.

This amendment was very simple. People can keep arms, to protect their individual states safe from the government. If the Government got to screwing around and wanted to kick Florida or Georgia’s ass then the Florida or Georgia boys could use their guns, (same as the Government guns) to fight back if need be, and say “better slow your roll bitch, we don’t play like that”.

The founding fathers (Philly beer club dudes) knew this would keep the government they created from ever getting too powerful like England tried and taking away the right of free men to be happy and not be fucked with.

In the context of the time of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the government had muskets and the free people had muskets.

Today our government has thirty round magazines and assault weapons. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION HERE. If our Government has these weapons, free law abiding United States Citizens are entitled to the exact same weapons.

Do you understand this now? You may not want an assault weapon with a thirty round magazine. You don’t have to have one. You may not need an assault weapon with a thirty round magazine, but if your standard federal government has one, then you are protected by birth and the drunk Philly crew to own that exact same weapon.

This my friends is history, and this my friends is freedom. There is no simpler way to understand the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or what the founding fathers meant when they created both documents.

Also understand your buddy down the street doesn’t need a nuclear warhead and his own B-52 bomber and we have laws to deal with that scenario. However every free, law abiding man and now woman, in this country has the right to own any weapon that his or her own government could hypothetically show up at their front door with and meet and defend their freedom with the same force. Thats the Constitution. Thats the Second Amendment. That is the last check and balance of TRUE FREEDOM.

Since those founding fathers gave us this right, hundreds of thousands of men and some women have given their lives to protect and preserve it.

This isn’t about hunting, or target shooting. This is about freedom to choose and freedom to protect and defend yourself in an equal and as aggressive a manner as our own government could attack free men.

Its the ultimate check and balance that keeps men free against any government we happen to elect and legislatively create. Don’t ever forget this or mistake it for anything else. Everything else concerning the second amendment and gun control outside of what I explain here is complete and utter bullshit looking to limit your freedom, guaranteed by many thousands of men and women who gave their lives to protect.

In closing, you may not want or need to have an assault weapon with a high capacity magazine. You do not have to buy or own one. Its your choice and you have the freedom to do what you want. What you and any government we create doesn’t have is the right to deny any law abiding honest man or woman to go out and buy and own these weapons if they so choose. Their choice to own them can be as simple as “Just fucking because” nothing more.

Hope this wordy and and rather simple explanation brings clarity to those seeking or needing it. Extreme and blunt? Maybe, but I would suggest you crack a history book from anywhere in recorded time and look at every single other civilization, period of time, government or group of people whom were disarmed or limited in their defense by those that ruled over them and see where they are now.

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!

I paint a picture of the days gone by…

When love went blind and you would make me see
I’d stare a lifetime into your eyes
So that I knew that you were there for me
Time after time you there for me

The year was 1989 and Skid Row was exploiting the popular trend at the time of the heavy metal power ballad. Its a toe tapper. Now I feel dirty.

I must hurry and change the subject to more manly items.

My niece and my brothers dog Spook.


She’s almost two and thats my brothers pit bull hanging from his rope. There is a small knot he bites and hangs there. The dogs half retarded and has breath that smells likes ass but he’s a good dog, and has never been aggressive towards Charlotte. Charlotte isn’t afraid of him and they play and tolerate each other. Being reasonable dog owners my brother isn’t very far when the two are together, but in any event, this is proof breed has nothing to do with the perceived notion of dog aggression. How you raise a dog and your pet responsibility holds all the cards to how your animal will behave around people.

Something else comes to mind and seems to work the same way. Guns. Imagine that. We can pass and or overturn breed specific dog laws and ordinances, but somehow we think if we eliminate certain assault weapons then we’ll magically be safe. Anyone see the irony in this?

Ugh, people are stupid, particularly the ones working in Washington DC.

People for years have asked me about computers, help them with computers, ask what computers to buy. I make no bones that for many years I have made a decent living making Windows based Microsoft products work. I don’t look that good fortune in the gift horse mouth. However anyone that has asked me in the last five or six years what computers to get I answer in the following way.

If money is an issue and you don’t care about shit software, constant vigil over virus protection, and operating system upgrade or patch up, then go with Microsoft Windows. You have some extra money, and want something that just works and is not a pain in the ass go spend your money on Apple.


Six years ago, I got rid of every single Microsoft product in my house and I haven’t looked back. Today I have continued that trend and upgraded my 2007 MacBook with a brand new model MacBook Pro. I have some work projects coming up and worked a deal with the ol’ employer. I am as happy with this new laptop as I was with the first one six years ago. You pay a premium for Apple products, but there is a reason. Its not junk. Fit and finish, function of the operating system and it blows Windows shit out of the water.

I’ll continue to earn a living making Microsoft products work. When I come home and want to use a computer though, Its going to be an Apple product. Call me a fan boy, I don’t care. Show me what you can do with your Windows product and I’ll show you I can do it better faster and easier with Apple. At twice the price, but I sleep at night knowing when I use my Apple products they will work without aggravation.

So all of you I have steered towards Apple products, I just want you know, I practice what I preach.

Today is TGIF. Its also pork tenderloin with apricot mustard sauce dinner day. I’ll snap a few pictures if it turns out ok and post it in the recipe section. Pork is pretty lean and I’ll throw in some squash and zucchini to health it up a bit.

Let ‘er rip, tater chip!

Lance Armstrong and Neil Armstrong. Three nuts and a trip to the moon.

LanceIf you’ve been watching the news lately then I am sure you know the name Lance Armstrong.

If you have breathed oxygen in the last forty-four years then I am sure you have also heard of the name Neil Armstrong.

Neil ArmstrongBoth of these men share the same last name though not directly related to my knowledge. Both of these men also played a highly pivotal role in shaping american history. It also turns out that chances are relatively high that both men may be in fact liars.

Lance Armstrong if you’ve been under a rock was an american racing bicyclist. After losing one of his balls to testicular cancer, Lance fought back and in the most triumphant way won the worlds premier bicycle racing contest, “The Tour de France” not once but seven times. Thats more wins then any other living soul. It turns out ole’ Lance pedaled his ass to seven wins with the help of illegal performance enhancing drugs. He has subsequently been stripped of his Tour titles and banned from competitively walking across the damn street for life.

We all know who Neil Armstrong is. He was the first american astronaut to successfully fly, land, walk on and return safely from the moon. In 1969 Neil landed on the moon with his pilot buddy Edwin “Buz” Aldrin. When Neil stepped off the lunar lander he spoke the most famous words in human history. “That’s one small step for [A] man. One giant leap for mankind.” Throughout his life Neil Armstrong maintained he just came up with the famous quote after takeoff and during the actual moon landing in the lunar lander. As it turned out ole’ Neil decided not to grace the earth with his presence one more time for good last year. Neil’s brother has since come forward and proclaimed that Neil showed him the famous quote some months before the actual moon mission in a drunken game of checkers, gin rummy, Jenga or whatever other games the most elite engineering, aeronautical, flight test pilots do when getting ready to strap their asses to the most explosive, highest powered, and complex flying machine of all time headed for the moon.

So here we are, two world famous well known men. Technically speaking both lied. Look at the perception of these men today. Both overcame seemingly insurmountable odds, were the best of the best and inspired millions of people all over the world for years to achieve and overcome.

I guess you can argue one lied and made millions of dollars with the false pretense of being an athletic superhero. The other lied about a simple quotation whom never basked in the spotlight or accepted his super human hero status. A super human status he most certainly was in all respects entitled to claim.

In the end what did the lies cost? In the case of Neil it shows he was a little more down to earth human and completely aware of the significance of the milestone in history he was about to partake. It would have been nice to know and see this side of Neil in the following years after his history making space flight. He wasn’t all straight laced, icy, engineering to the minutest detail type we thought he was. Neil was human and fallible.

As for Lance, well he may be a slightly different story. He clearly lived behind the illusion of his lies and in some cases broke his legal foot off in the asses of more then one person who questioned his integrity in regards to doping. Lance is paying the price for it now too.

To me the question isn’t whether he should or shouldn’t have doped, but how he lived with the lies of doping. Here’s a little clue about doping and the Tour de France. About 80% of the competitors are doing it, so in as far as an unfair advantage and soiling of the integrity of the race, thats a mountain of bullshit only the likes of a government run department of losers would make a big deal over.

Where Lance fucked up is that he believed the lies and used them to prop himself up to sponsors and advertisers. He should have kept his mouth shut about any and all doping, walked away from all accusations and never commented publicly about anyone or thing that claimed he was a cheater. Would he have still been caught and paid the price? You betcha. However he could have laid back, threw his hands in the air without the label of worlds biggest hypocritical asshole, and just said “I cheated and lied because it built and funded the LIVE STRONG foundation for 15 years.”

People will look past a bullshitter and liar whom’s lies and bullshit was used as a means to an end for a serious problem like cancer, or world peace. You go off sticking your one nut root into Sheryl Crow and sue the ass off some team assistant and newspaper that prints a story about you cheating when you know damn well you have and you can kiss your ass away. You my friend are next in line to a tearful Oprah Winfrey interview on a failing cable channel of depressed chick garbage programming. No offense to any and all you maybe  depressed Oprah channel garbage watching ladies.

In the end lying is a selfish act that doesn’t hurt you until it hurts others. If you’re going to consciously hurt someone else with lying, then you better make damn sure you’re curing cancer or walking on the fucking moon.

Let ‘er rip tater chip!